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The Political Violence Project

The Political Violence Project was founded in the fall of 2013. The Project Team consists of graduate and undergraduate students from Boston College and neighboring schools who conduct research on the Middle East and North Africa, U.S. foreign policy and domestic politics, and terrorism and political violence under the guidance of Professor Krause. Team members develop and utilize research skills including archival work, survey analysis, media creation, and content analysis in a dynamic, cooperative environment. Team members have contributed to a number of publications in a variety of scholarly and popular outlets. The research team resets each spring, summer, and fall semester, and we are always looking for new, motivated members. Contact Professor Krause if you are interested in joining The Project.
Watch the video below to learn more about the Political Violence Project from some of its members and alumni!

Current Projects

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To Which Victor Go the Spoils? Predicting "The Day After" Regimes Change

A growing amount of research has analyzed when national movements and insurgents overthrow the existing government, but which groups within those movements and insurgencies actually come to power after regime change, and why? We are finalizing the construction of a massive dataset that will help us answer these questions. This project will become an academic book. In the meantime, we published a post at Political Violence @ a Glance applying our research on insurgencies to explain and predict dynamics and outcomes in Game of Thrones.
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What happened to moderates in America?

Amid rising polarization, political moderates are (seemingly) on the decline in the U.S. What factors led to their downfall? Can moderates help stem the tide of polarization and political violence in the U.S.? And just who is a "moderate," anyway? We analyze these and other issues in a new book project over a decade in the making.

Teaching research skills to Boston College students

The Political Violence Project provides hands-on training in research skills to all of its members. We want to bring that training to all BC students, so we are creating a series of online training modules focused on research skills like asking good questions, generating quality arguments and research designs, and handling bias and ethics. The modules themselves will be engaging and hands-on: focused not on long lectures, but rather short, engaging videos of faculty, students, and alumni discussing how they build and utilize certain skills, coupled with a variety of short readings and practice tasks to train students in methods they use in research projects for all of their classes. We are creating the modules now and look forward to making them available to the BC community over the next year.

The Impact of Education on Attitudes About Terrorism
(with Liane Young, Betül Özturan, Jordan Theriault, and Daniel Gustafson)

Survey experiments on the impact of in-person and online college courses on student attitudes concerning the definition, causes, strategies, and effects of terrorism, as well as how knowledge impacts threat assessment and preferred counterterrorism strategies. We have published two academic journals articles on this project and are working on a third.

Stories From the Field: A Guide to Navigating Fieldwork in Political Science

(with Ora Szekely)

Blending stories and lessons from across the globe by 44 political scientists to provide an engaging guide to fieldwork for faculty and students alike. Project Team members also produced and edited the accompanying podcast. We are now working on a new collective project analyzing the ethics of conducting field research on armed groups.
Undergraduate Research Fellows
Patrick Crise
Su23 (RA), F23 (RA), Sp24 (RA), Su24 (URF), F24 (URF)

Boston College '25
International Studies and Economics
Nicole Longua 
 F23 (RA), Sp24 (RA), Su24 (RA), F24 (URF)

Boston College '25
Political Science
Screen Shot 2023-05-29 at 9.16.33 PM.png
Asal Fakhridinova
Su23 (RA), Sp24 (RA), Su24 (RA), F24 (URF)

Boston College '25
Political Science
Research Assistants
Screen Shot 2023-05-29 at 9.47_edited.jpg
Andrew Mimmo
Su23 (RA), F23 (RA), Sp24 (RA), Su24 (RA), F24 (RA)

Boston College '25
Political Science
Angelina Dooa 03.14.240045.jpg
Angelina Dooa
 Su24 (RA), F24 (RA)

Boston College '25
Political Science and Economics
Micha Kwon
Su24 (RA), F24 (RA)

Boston College '26
Political Science and Economics
Trinity Grant-Pereira
 Su24 (RA), F24 (RA)

Boston College '25
International Studies
Ansley Fine.jpeg
Ansley Fine
 Su24 (RA), F24 (RA)

Boston College '25
International Studies
Riley Coopwood
 Su24 (RA), F24 (RA)

Boston College '27
Political Science and International Studies
Ananya Balakrishnan.jpeg
Ananya Balakrishnan
Su24 (RA), F24 (RA)

Wellesley '26
Political Science and International Relations
Imani Safari.jpg
Imani Safari
 Su24 (RA), F24 (RA)

Boston College '26
International Studies and French
Aleah Ghiasuddin
 Su24 (RA), F24 (RA)

Wellesley '26
Political Science
Anna O'Donnell.jpeg
Anna O'Donnell
 Su24 (RA), F24 (RA)

Boston College '26
Political Science
Eero Helenius
 Su24 (RA), F24 (RA)

Boston College '25
International Studies 
Elizabeth Kane.jpeg
Elizabeth Kane
 Su24 (RA), F24 (RA)

Boston College '27
Political Science and Philosophy
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Sophie Compston
F24 (RA) 

Boston College '27
Political Science and Economics
Suha Akil
 F24 (RA)

Boston College '27
International Studies and English
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Helia Attar
 F24 (RA)

Boston College'27
International Studies
Owen Bienen
 F24 (RA)

Boston College '27
International Studies
Hannha Pic_edited.jpg
Hannah Bingham
 F24 (RA)

Boston College '26
International Studies and Economics
Allison Jones
F24 (RA)

Boston College '26
International Studies and Philosophy
Kayla Hall
F24 (RA)

Boston College '26
English and International Studies
Jasmine Han
 F24 (RA)

Boston College '27
Political Science
Jared Goldstein
 F24 (RA)

Boston College '25
Political Science
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Ella Champagne
 F24 (RA)

Boston College '27
Political Science and English
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Katherine Farr
 F24 (RA)

Boston College '27
Political Science and Chinese
Hudson DeLorme
 F24 (RA)

Boston College '26
International Studies and Philosophy
Alex Raatma
 F24 (RA)

Boston College '26
Political Science and Finance
Matthew Deneen
 F24 (RA)

Boston College '25
Political Science and Finance
Ellie Atkins
Sp23 (RA), Su23 (RA), F23 (RA)

Boston College '26
Political Science

Project Alumni

Project on National Movements 2013.jpg
The Project Team, Fall 2013
Jonathan Makransky

F12 (URF), F13 (URF), Sp14 (URF), Su14 (RA), F14 (RA), Sp15 (RA)

Boston College '14
Islamic Civilization and Societies
Martin Bain
F13 (RA), Sp14 (RA)

University of Glasgow '15
History & Politics
Shannon Inglesby
F13 (URF), Sp14 (RA), F14 (RA), Sp15 (RA)

Boston College '15
International Studies
Alex Kloss
F13 (RA)
Boston College '14
International Studies
Kyla Longman
F13 (RA)
Boston College '15
Political Science and Islamic Civilization and Societies
Dianne Minardi
F13 (RA)
Boston College '14
Political Science
Sarah Hamma
F13 (RA), Sp14 (RA)

Boston College '14
Politcal Science
Laura R Huggard

F13 (URF), Sp14 (RA), Sp15 (RA)

Boston College '15
International Studies
Pinar Oral
F13 (RA), SP14 (RA)

Boston College '16
Political Science & Economics
Tyler Wilkinson
F13 (URF), Sp14 (RA), Su14 (RA)

Boston College '15
International Studies & Film Studies 
Damian Mencini
Sp13 (RA)
Boston College '14
History & Political Science
Katie Frake
Sp14 (RA)

Boston College '15
Political Science & Islamic Civilization and Societies
Eleanor Hildebrandt

Sp14 (URF), Su14 (URF)

Boston College '15
International Studies
Christina Iacampo

Sp14 (RA), Sp15 (RA)
Boston College '16
Political Science
Kevin J Miranda

Sp14 (RA)

Boston College '16
International Studies
Natalia Pena
Sp14 (RA), Su14 (RA), F14 (RA), Sp15 (RA)

Boston College '13 
Political Science and Islamic Civilization & Societies
James Sauro 

Sp14 (RA), Sp15 (RA), Su15 (RA), F15 (RA), Sp16 (URF)

Boston College '16
International Studies
Sean Sudol

Sp14 (RA)
Boston College '16
Political Science
Mackenzie Wislar

Sp14 (RA)

Boston College '14
Political Science
Victoria Schliep
Su14 (RA), F14 (RA), Sp15 (URF), F15 (RA)

Boston College '15
History and Political Science
Annie Clabby
F14 (RA), Sp14 (RA)

Boston College '14
Political Science
Tori Goyette

F14 (RA), Sp14 (RA)
Boston College '14
Allison Lizotte

F14 (RA), Sp15 (RA)
Boston College '16
Craig Noyes
F14 (RA), Sp15 (RA)
Boston College BA '08 / MA '13
History (BA) & Political Science (MA)
Haein Kang
Sp15 (RA), F15 (RA), Sp16 (URF)

Boston College '16
Political Science
Adam Ladhani
Sp15 (RA)

NYU Abu Dhabi '18 
Social Research and Public
Policy & Economics
Julie Orenstein
Sp15 (RA)
Boston College '16
Political Science
William Boosalis
Su15 (RA)

Boston College, MA '17
Margaret O'Connor
Su15 (RA), F15 (RA), Sp16 (RA)

Boston College '16
International Studies
Alyssa Rogowski
Su15 (RA), F15 (RA), Sp16 (RA),  Su16 (URF), F16 (URF)
Boston College '17
International Studies
George Somi
Su15 (RA)

Boston College '10 

Mark Chanatry
Sp16 (RA)
Boston College '18
International Studies
Katherine Krabek
Su16 (RA)
Boston College '18
International Studies
Anne Bigler
Sp16 (RA), Su16 (RA)
Boston College '18
Politcal Science
Diane Hoffman
Sp16 (RA), Su16, (RA), F16 (RA)
Boston College '18
International Studies & German
Kevin Burg
Su16 (RA), F16 (RA)
Boston College '18
International Studies
Andrew Layman
Su16 (RA)
Boston College '18
International Studies &
Political Science
James Miotto
Su16 (RA)
Williams College '18
Political Economy 
Dylan McManus
Su16 (RA), F16 (RA)
Boston College '18
International Studies
Josh Segal
F16 (RA)
Boston College '17
Political Science
Andrew Bowen
F16 (Grad RA), Sp17
3rd Year, PhD Candidate,
Boston College
Political Science
Beth Yarze
Sp16 (RA), F16 (RA), Sp17 (URF)
Boston College '17
Political Science & Philosophy
Zoe Buzinkai
F16 (RA), Sp17 (RA)
Boston College '17
International Studies
Thomas Toghramadjian
F15 (RA), Sp16 (RA), Su16 (URF), F16 (RA), Sp17 (URF), Sp18 (RA)
Boston College '19
Political Science
John Carroll
Sp17 (RA)
Boston College '18
Jennifer Conlon
F16 (RA), Sp17 (RA)
Boston College '17
Political Science & Marketing
Maximilian Dees
Sp17 (RA)
Boston College '19
International Studies
Carolyn Freeman
Sp17 (RA)
Boston College '17
Ayanna Griffith
F16 (RA), Sp17 (RA)
Boston College '17
Political Science
Catherine Kriendler
F16 (RA), Sp17 (RA)
Boston College '17
Political Science
Dongjin Xu
Sp17 (RA)
Boston College '17
Philosophy & Political Science
Liam Madden
Sp17 (RA)
Boston College '19
International Studies and Economics
Kevin Mastro
F16 (RA), Sp17 (RA)
Boston College '17
International Studies
Sophia Svenson
Sp17 (RA)
Boston College '19
International Studies
Rebecca Freda
Su15 (RA), F15 (RA), Sp16 (RA), Su16 (URF), F16 (URF), Sp17 (RA)
Boston College '17
International Studies
Frankie Cascone
Su16 (RA), F16 (RA), Sp17 (RA), Su17 (URF)
Boston College '18
International Studies 
Nithya Damodharan
Su15 (RA), F15 (RA),
Sp16 (URF), Su16 (RA),
Su17 (URF)
Boston College '18
Political Science
Hekmat Aboukhater
Su17 (RA)
Boston College '20
International Studies 
Scott Ario
Su15 (RA), F15 (RA), Su17 (RA)

International Studies, Economics
Rachel Connelly 
Su17 (RA)
Boston College '19
Political Science and History 
Sara Klos
Su17 (RA)
Boston College '19
International Studies
John Hogan 
Su17 (RA)
Boston College '18
English and Philosophy
Anna Link
Su16 (RA), F16 (RA), Sp17 (RA), Su17 (RA)
Boston College '16
International Studies & Communication
Tess Murphy 
Su17 (RA)
Boston College '19
International Studies 
Tyler Sagerstrom
Su17 (RA)
Boston College '17
Political Science and Economics
Feier Zhao
Su17 (RA)
Boston College '19
Applied Psychology &
Human Development and International Studies
Shannon West
Su17 (RA)
Boston College '18
International Studies
Taylor Whittaker
Su17 (RA)
Boston College '18
International Studies
Laura Stateler
F17 (RA), Sp18 (URF)
Boston College '18
International Studies & Philosophy
Emma Howe
Sp16 (RA), Su16 (RA), F16 (URF), Sp17 (URF), Su17 (URF), F17 (URF)
Boston College '18
International Studies
& Economics
Steven Michaels
F17 (Grad RA)
Boston College '19
Graduate Student
Ruohan Xiao
Su17 (RA), F17 (RA)
Boston College '19
International Studies and Communication
Jack Albert
Sp18 (RA)
Boston College '20
International Studies & History
Gibran Caroline Boyce
Sp18 (RA)
Boston College '20
International Studies &
Caroline Downey
Sp18 (RA)
Boston College '20
Economic & Political Science
Hannah Early
Sp18 (RA)
Westmont College '16
Poltical Science
Matthew Eckstein
Sp17(RA), F17(URF), Sp18 (RA)
Boston College '19
International Studies & Economics
Max Houghton
 F17(RA), Sp18 (RA)
Boston College '20
Political Science
Rohan Kandeshwarath
Su16(RA), F17(RA), Sp18 (RA)
Geroge Washington University '21
Poltical Science
Jaehun Lee
Sp18 (RA)
Boston College '21
Political Science & Philosophy
Nicolas Morales
Sp18 (RA)
Boston College '18
Nicholas Wilson
Su17 (RA), F17 (RA), Sp18 (RA)
Boston College '21
Political Science and Economics 
Michael Salib 
F17 (RA), Sp18 (RA)
Boston College '18
Political Science
Tricia Thomson
F17 (RA), Sp18 (RA)
Boston College '18
International Studies
Peter Andrei
Su18 (RA)
Advanced Math and Science Academy '19
Political Science
Sam Kurtz
Su18 (RA)
Boston College '21
Olivia Parsons
Su18 (RA)
Boston College '20
International Studies and
Islamic Civilizations
Liam Haffey
Su18 (RA)
Boston College '21
Economics and Political Science
Ingrid Miranda-
Sp18 (RA), Su18 (RA)
Boston College '20
International Studies &
Andrea Presper
Sp18 (RA), F18 (RA)
Boston College '20
International Sudies &
Political Science 
Michaela Arguin
Su19 (RA), F19 (RA), Sp20 (RA)
Boston College '20
Islamic Civilization & Societies
and Political Science
Sarah Chamberlain
Sp18 (RA), Su18 (RA)
Boston College '20
International Studies 
Headshot Web Resolution.jpg
Czar Sepe
Sp19 (RA)
Boston College '21
Political Science and History
Leonid Rempel
Sp19 (RA)
Boston College '20
International Studies and Economics
Cory Sagerstrom
Su18 (RA)
Tufts University '20
International Relations & Economics
Steven Varshavsky
F17 (RA), Sp18 (RA),
Su18 (RA)
Boston College '18
Political Science
Yilin Sun
Su18 (RA)
Boston College '21
Political Science
Francesca Von Krauland
Su18 (RA)
Boston College '20
International Studies and English
Amelia Fatykhova
Su18 (RA)
Advanced Math and
Science Academy '19
International Affairs and
Anna Waisgerber
Sp17 (RA), Su17 (RA), Sp18 (URF), Su18 (URF), F18 (URF)
Boston College '19
International Studies
Megan Richards
Sp17 (RA), F17 (RA), Su18 (URF), F18 (URF), Sp19 (URF)
Boston College '19
International Studies
potential profile picture .JPG
Sofia Yepes
Sp19 (RA)
Boston College '21
International Studies
Echo Yiyang Zhuge
Sp19 (RA)
Boston College '20
Political Science
Screen Shot 2018-09-03 at 2.47.56 PM_edi
Robyn Crowley
F18 (RA), Sp19 (RA)
Boston College '19
International Studies 
Julia Perry
F18 (RA), Sp19 (RA)
Boston College '19
Political Science 
Tim Maurer
Sp18 (RA), Su18 (RA), F18 (RA), Sp19 (RA)
Northeastern University '17
Political Science
Kathryn Destin
Sp19 (RA)
Boston College '21
Political Science and 
Gabriella Haedelt
Sp19 (RA)
Boston College '21
Political Science
Ningxin Zhang.jpeg
Ningxin Zhang
Su19 (RA)
Boston College '21
Political Science and Mathematics
Sarah Ricks
Su18 (RA), F18 (RA),
Sp19 (RA), Su19 (URF)
Boston College '21
Political Science
Hannah Chen
Sp19 (RA), Su19 (RA)
Boston College '21
International Studies
Jill Cusick headshot.jpg
Jill Cusick
Su19 (RA)
Boston College '20
International Studies and
Michelle Kondratiev
Su19 (RA)
Boston College '20
Economics and Political Science
Taylor Nardone
Su19 (RA)
Boston College '20
Tess Oatley
Sp19 (RA), Su19 (RA)
Boston College '21
Political Science
Patrick O'Connell
Su19 (RA)
Boston College '20
International Studies
and French
Matt BC ID Picture.jpg
Matt Stubeck
Sp19 (RA), Su19 (RA)
Boston College '19
Political Science
Tait Ryssdal
Su18 (RA), Su19 (RA)
Georgetown University '20
International Politics
Sydney Shugrue
Sp18 (RA), Su18 (RA), Su19 (RA)
Boston College '20
International Studies 
AWilson - Headshot.jpg
Andrew Wilson
Sp19 (RA), Su19 (RA)
Boston College '21
Political Science
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Kevin Caggiano
Sp20 (RA)
Boston College '22
International Studies
Yucheng Weng
Su19 (RA), F19 (RA)
Boston College '20
Political Science and Mathematics
McKenzie Stevens
Sp19 (RA)
Boston College '20
Political Science and 
Environmental Studies
Ivana Wijedasa
F19 (RA)
Boston College '22
International Studies and Ethics & Social Justice
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Gabby LaTorre
Su19 (RA), F19 (RA)
Boston College '21
Islamic Civilization & Societies
Cassie Gross
F19 (RA), Su20 (RA)

Boston College '21
International Studies
Morgan Biles
Su19 (RA), F19 (RA)
Boston College '21
Political Science and Communication
Grace Cavanagh
F19 (RA)
Boston College '21
International Studies
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Abby Korrell
F18 (RA), Sp19 (RA), Su19 (RA),
F19 (URF), Sp20 (URF)
Boston College '20
Political Science and Applied Psychology
Josie Landers
Su20 (RA),
Boston College '21
Political Science and History
Caitlin Vasington
Su18 (RA), F18 (RA),
Sp19 (RA), Su19 (RA),  F19 (URF), Sp20 (RA)
Boston College '21
Political Science and
Izzy Howe
Su18 (RA), Su20 (RA)
Boston College '21
Political Science
Madeline Finlayson
Su20 (RA),
Boston College '21
Political Science
Brenna Recny
F19(RA) Sp20(RA)
Boston College '20
International Studies
Adam Martin
Sp19 (RA), Su19 (RA), F19 (RA), Sp20 (RA)
Boston College '20
Political Science and
William Provost Photograph for the Polit
William Provost
Su20 (RA)
Boston College '22
Political Science, History, and Philosophy
Scott Greenhalgh
F19 (RA), Sp20 (RA)
Boston College '22
Political Science
Web Resolution.jpg
Savannah Freitas
F19 (RA), Sp20 (RA)
Boston College '20
International Studies
Mahima Menghani.PNG
Mahima Menghani
Sp18 (RA), Su18 (RA),
Sp19 (URF), Su19 (URF), Sp20 (URF), Su20 (RA)
Boston College '21
International Studies
Head shot Iona Young_edited.jpg
Iona Young
F18 (RA), Sp19 (RA), Su19 (RA), Su20(RA)
Durham University '20
Political Science and
International Relations
Steven LeGere
Sp19 (RA), Su19 (RA), F19 (URF), 
Sp20 (URF), Su20 (RA)
Boston College '21
Political Science and 
Urwa Hameed
Su20 (RA)
Boston College '22
Political Science and
International Studies
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Anthony Kim
F19 (RA), Sp20 (RA), Su20 (RA)
Boston College '21
Political Science and
Film Studies
Cameron Kasanzew
F19 (RA), Sp20 (RA), Su20 (RA)
Boston College '20